
Movement & Meditation Classes & Mini Retreats - Applecross, Winthrop & East Freo

Charleyoga classes are a gentle combination of therapuetic yoga, pilates fitness movements and relaxing meditation with an emphasis on breathing and awareness.

Both men and women come to class with a huge variety of shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels. If you are worried that you won't fit in then please don't, everyone is different and everyone works within the limits of their own bodies.

Classes are conducted in a casual, sociable and relaxed environment. We don't demand silence on arrival, in fact students often have a catch up before class begins and it can get quite noisy.

Our yoga classes welcome those from all belief systems so rest assured that there is no particular religious aspect to our classes.

Yoga is something to be experienced, not read about on Facebook so come along and give us a try, no obligation :)

Charleyoga Mini Retreats - if you feel like some time out then treat yourself to one of our great value mini retreat time out afternoons which run once every quarter on a Saturday or Sunday. You don't need any experience to come along and yummy afternoon tea & take home pack is included.

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